Looking for a mileage tracking solution? Everlance is your trusted mileage tracker app for automatic mileage tracking and building out expense logs. Over 3M drivers who have used the Everlance mileage tracker for mileage tracking, saving more time, and resting easier knowing their business miles and work expenses are being logged and recorded for their taxes in IRS-compliant format. The average Everlance user saves $6,500 a year by maximizing mileage and business expense deductions.
Everlance simplifies your life by tracking your drives using the GPS features on your phone to operate it's mileage tracker, operating seamlessly in the background so you can focus on your business, not your tracking. The Everlance mileage tracker intelligently recognizes when a trip concludes based on your contextual location. With the Everlance mileage tracker, the process is smooth and automatic, ensuring that every mile is accurately tracked and logged without hassle for every driver.
Effortlessly Track Your Mileage with Everlance's Mileage Tracker
Say goodbye to mileage logs written by hand or complicated mileage tracking systems. The Everlance mileage tracker allows drivers to seamlessly track all their miles however they want. With options such as automatic mileage tracking, one-click tracking, and manual entry, it’s truly never been easier to track and log all of your business miles with our mileage tracker. Classify your trips and logs with a swipe for work or personal. Have multiple gigs? Set multiple trackers to see exactly how many miles you drove for each hat you wear.
Maximize Your Tax Deductions by Logging Expenses
In 2024, every 1,000 miles you drive for work unlocks at least $670 in tax deductions. But Everlance isn’t just a mileage tracker. Use it to build your business expense log as well! Sync up a bank account or card and track not just miles but all of your business-related expenses as well. Swipe to classify your business expenses and never miss another tax deduction.
Export Expenses - Customizable Reports At Your Convenience
Whether it's for taxes, reimbursement, or personal finance planning, Everlance allows you to generate detailed IRS-compliant reports easily. Upload into your favorite tax software or send directly to your accountant, straight from the Everlance app. Drivers who use Everlance’s mileage tracker and expense tracker stay organized and in control.
Designed to Track for On-the-Go Pros
Everlance is designed for the needs of mobile driver professionals. It works quietly in the background because we understand that your business takes center stage. Whether you're a DoorDash Dasher, Uber driver, Lyft driver, Instacart shopper, Wag! caregiver, real estate agent, sales associate, consultant, home health care provider, photographer, medical professional, or anyone else who hits the road for work, the Everlance mileage tracker is built to let you focus on your work, not your tracking.
Ready to stop leaving tax savings on the table?
Join over 3M drivers who have ditched the paper mileage logs and shoeboxes for expenses or receipt storage, choosing the Everlance mileage tracker to track and save time, money, and effort. We helps businesses of all shapes and sizes, whether you're a gig worker, self-employed professional, or business serving employees all over the country.